The Simpsons Tapped Out: Home Rule Resolutions [Fanfiction]

I was doing some digging on what exactly Bart Simpson’s first crush Laura Powers got up to after her only speaking part in The Simpsons aired back in the 90s…and I found to my surprise that she was given a small storyline in The Simpsons game ‘Tapped Out‘ in 2015.

In the story, Laura befriends Lisa and begins hanging out with her, which drives Lisa ultimately to fatigue. It is notable for the complete 180 in how she treats Bart compared to how caring and respectful of him she was in “New Kid On The Block”, here we find she has soured on Bart due to his continuous stalking!

After remembering Laura and her mother Ruth were amongst the angry townsfolk bitter at Homer for contributing to the dome disaster in The Simpsons Movie, it was only logical that I use that as the blueprint for why Laura was keeping Bart at a distance, but I didn’t want her to be doing it by choice. In order to give the restoration of Bart and Laura’s friendship a sound foundation, it had to be Laura acting on orders from her mother.

Rather than devote a comic strip to this piece, I opted instead to replicate in the style of how ‘Tapped Out’ interactions are depicted on the Tapped Out wikia.