Tag Archives: marvel comics

Amazing Spider-Man: The Night Gwen Stacy Lived [Comic Book Fanedit]

It’s safe to say the comic book editing bug has officially bitten me…as I unviel the first of no less than three Amazing Spider-Man projects I’ve been working on today. I actually made this one as a gift for one of my old friends over on Rangerboard who is a massive Gwen stan.

I often tease Gwen fans a lot on places like Youtube and Comicvine. I’ve never really gotten her appeal and my introduction to her as a comics reader was…well..the story where she died, and the more I read up on her, the less I liked her, greatly preferring Mary Jane.

So why would I bother with this? Well, first there is the afore-mentioned Gwen stan friend of mine, the second is the issue part of this book is based on, “What If Gwen Stacy Had Lived” is a bit of an underlooked treasure in the Marvel vaults, rarely if ever reprinted or collected, but it’s actually written fairly well, Peter is in character, and the situation is somewhat believable.

For people constantly clamouring for a continuity where Gwen is alive and happy with Peter, they usually find themselves in short supply, so there’s that too. For many, the Night Gwen Stacy died set the tone for the rest of Spider-Man’s life, some will say it led to a better life, but for some, the days spent hanging out at the discos and coffe beans with all your college friends and first loves is a dream one wishes they could never wake up from.

Just be thankful I didn’t add anything from Sins Past in this.


X-Men: Dead Phoenix [Fanedit]

X Men Dead Phoenix

Months back, clickbait merchants and rumour mongers were keen to share news that there would be some kind of Deadpool connection in the ill-fated Dark Phoenix movie. While this somewhat manifested a year earlier in Deadpool 2 with the X-Men’s cameo in that film, there was no surprise cameo from Wade for this.

So while binging both movies I worked out a way of integrating several choice scenes from Deadpool 2 into a cut of Dark Phoenix that gives the movie not just something that brings two well received X-Film franchises together (and yes, the fact both of these films have the same initials in their titles doesn’t escape me), but also provides closure to the series that doesn’t corrupt the timeline the way the original version of Dark Phoenix did, and also sets up a hypothetical fifth film in the First Class timeline to show the saga of the X-Men really ought to have continued.

Two other minor tweeks aside, I left the rest of the movie alone

Cut List

-Added FANEDIT.ORG Logo to beginning

-Cut the ‘X-Women’ lines from Raven

-Integrated the Deadpool and Colossus scene from Deadpool 2 where the X-Men narrowly avoid being seen by Wade

-Just after we meet the aliens , I Integrated the scene where Colossus tries to persuade Wade into joining the team on a mission, with Wade saying bad things will happen, this leads directly into the scene the X-Men first confront Jean and Raven is killed

-End credits feature a very special performance of Celine Dion’s ‘Ashes’ from Deadpool 2

-Deadpool uses Cable’s time device to change history and undo the events of the film.

-Post-credits is Cable time-jumping from the future to the present to set that part up. The saga continues

DVD Cover Art:
X Men Dead Phoenix Cover

Amazing Spider-Man-To Teach Is To Learn Twice [Fanfic]


Within the apartment of Stark Enterprises C.E.O Mary Jane Watson, two souls, once distant through a series of reluctant and regretful choices, were again coming together in a tender and long desired embrace

The kiss was tangible, real, and true.

The two souls, Mary Jane and her best friend, the fallen tech mogul Peter Parker, giggled uncontrollably as the splendor of their kiss allowed sensations and memories familiar to both of them to come to vivid life.

Wild, priceless images of passions shared at the likes of airports, and the top of the empire state building, merged into a seamless tapestry of joy and pleasure.

“You’re one hell of a scientist Parker” MJ said as she hastily unbuttoned Peter’s shirt

“Why do you say that?”

“You just proved time travel is possible, one kiss and we’re right back to the way things always should…”

She stopped mid-sentence as Peter’s shirt gave way, revealing a familiar black emblem on a red and blue costume underneath.

She reeled back.

“What’s wrong?” Peter asked.

Mary Jane played delicately with her hands, she bit her lip and turned her head, placing one hand gently under her chin. She began to ponder, anxious and unsure of what to say.

Peter stared at the Spider emblem on his costume, and instantly understood the problem.

“Oh. My web-thing” he said.

“Your web-thing” Mary Jane replied.

“Look, if this is making you uncomfortable…I should go” Peter said.

Mary Jane’s response surprised him.

“No” she said

“No?” Peter said.

“No…no it doesn’t bother me, it should, but…I don’t think it matters anymore”

“You feeling ok Red?” said Peter.

Mary Jane moved over to his side of the couch again, a little more prepared, she tugged more at the shirt, urging Peter to remove it and to let her see him in his costume.

“Peter, I work with Stark, he works with superheroes..if I had as much of a problem with your kind of work as I thought I did, I would have caved instantly, I’d never be as involved as I am now with it”

“When we were investigating Regent, you said working with Tony was different, that it was easier than dealing with my life” said Peter.

“In a way I was right at the time” Mary Jane explained, “It seemed easier, but the experience with Regent taught me life is never easy for your type Peter, I learned that as soon as I put yourself in your shoes, and not for the first time either, when I helped you and Tony tackle Regent. You taught me there, just as you taught me when all of Manhattan shared your powers, that while nothing is easy, your efforts ensure that everything-anything– is possible. That’s why I thanked you when you went off to free the other heroes…for everything that you taught me in that instant, for everything you continue to teach me through the hardships and great falls you overcome”

“MJ…when I was teaching, back before it all went crazy, when I thought I’d lost you the first time, I learned from my experience a very valuable asset…to teach is to learn twice, the tutor learns from the students just as much as the opposite does…you’ve learned so much from me, but I’ve learned to trust in my fellow man through your humanity and faith in me, it’s what pushes me, why I strive to be better, and what keeps me running up that steep hill. You learn, you teach, and you complete another phase of your journey…our journey” Peter replied, stroking her red hair delicately with his hands.

“Did you learn any secrets of a successful marriage while teaching?” MJ snarked.

“Don’t go there” Peter replied.

“Too late, something in the back of my mind always does” MJ explained.

“Really?” Peter asked.

“It’s tucked neatly between my common sense and a deja vu sensation we got when battling Regent, that sense we’d done it all before…only back then we were…whole”

“Like now?” said Peter, kissing her gently on the forehead, MJ curled up and snuggled up next to him.

“I’m not sure what this’ll become” she said.

Peter’s eyes stared at the clock.

“It’s getting close to midnight” Peter said.

“You want to stay?” MJ asked.

“Sure, why not? Before you know it, it’ll be a brand new day” a confidant Peter replied.

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows-When Gravity Had Seldom Mercy





In dreams, you can fly.

For Peter Parker, his entire adult life had been the personification of that dream

Soaring high above the city in his guise as Spider-Man, swinging with almost no cares for the world below.

Almost no cares.

And then the realization dawned on him as he swung past the Empire State Building.

His favourite spot to be with his favourite person.

A person he’d been left waiting back at the Coffee Bean for the better part of two and a half hours.

That’s the price you pay for engaging in a less than pacy pursuit with an aging Adrian Tooms.

Peter threw every bit of energy he hadn’t spent yet in making it back to the Coffee Bean, only to find it had closed up for the night.

Changing back into his civvies in the cold brisk February evening at the back of the alleyway didn’t do much for his dignity, but at least it wasn’t going to shred it.

Peter took his trusty bike and drove back down the road that stretched back to Queens, where he caught sight of his favourite Aunt talking to his favourite person. Mary Jane Watson.

He drove up and hastily got off the bike to meet her as she caught sight of him and tried to put some distance between them. Peter wasn’t about to let her go, not without giving her an apt opportunity to pounce on him.

He loved it when she displayed some temper.

“MJ, I am so sorry” he said

“Save it. Flash took me home. In a car”

“What’s wrong with my bike?” Peter asked

“More to the point, what’s wrong with you Tiger?” MJ asked, pointing at his chest with a sharp finger.

Peter thought on his feet. “I made a promise to someone” he said

“Another one?”

Peter nodded

“Did you let them down too?”

Peter’s mind raced back to the socialite who’s valuables were stolen by Tooms, and during the scuffle between him and The Vulture, the crook had dropped the valuables down a chimney.

“I kinda did, yeah, I’m not going to start lying”

Now anyway” MJ said.

“Yeah” Peter remarked.

Mary Jane sighed.

“Look Pete, you and I…I don’t think it’s working out”

“You want to talk about working out? I’ve got this killer gym membership…”

Not the time for jokes Pete” MJ said, cutting him off.

“The only good timing I have is comic timing”

“See, that’s the hardest thing about this…’cause you make me laugh so much” MJ replied.

“Best medicine that” Peter replied.

“Flash advised me to read you the riot act..but I just can’t do it. I don’t think your mental reality can take stark reality…and I don’t think I could do without your kind of crazy”

“At least here sanity prevails” Peter said, taking MJ’s hand in his and gently kissing the tip of it.

“Something always comes up with you. The important thing is you always try to make up for it…and that’s the kind of promise you can do with keeping…because one day you may want to make an even bigger promise”

Peter glanced up at the night sky

“Look” he said

MJ turned her head and stared upwards, they both fixated their gaze on the sparkling moon above.

“That’s what I promise you. Every time. Every moment I spend with you, night and day, you take me there…one day, I promise, they’ll be no limit to where we can go”


In dreams, you can fly.

In life, you land hard

And ten years ago, gravity seldom had mercy.

As Peter hung on for dear life as The Vulture soared through the city, through a crisp February night, Peter’s webbing tagged to his right foot, he thought how far things had come in the past decade, he couldn’t help but think of that night, and what he had promised.

He stared upwards at the moon above and wondered if this would be the last time he’d be taken there.

And then another strand of webbing attached itself to the Vulture’s left foot, and out of nowhere a vicious red-headed vixen was propelled from the nearby rooftops and joined Spidey in flight.

“Hey Tiger, what’s up?” said MJ as she crawled upwards and reached out towards the back of the bag attached to Toom’s back, pulling out the jewellery he had stolen from yet another socialite. She tucked it neatly into a small satchel at her right side.

“Hey, I made a promise I’d hand that back” said Peter.

“Oh let me hand it back Tiger, after all, we share all our promises”

Beneath the mask he wore, Peter’s face beamed with pride.

Behind the mask MJ wore, her eyes sparked with affection and love.

As Spider-Man and his wife Spinneret clung to The Vulture and soared elegantly across the sky, they elected to give the brash bird of prey an additional few minutes of great struggle just to take in the exquisite sight of the moon high above them.

Watching them from afar from a nearby window was their daughter, Annie May, in the midst of getting changed for bed as it was a school night, she was slightly perplexed at why it was taking them so long to apprehend Adrian.

She glanced upwards and spotted the cause.

“Oh great, full moon, that means everyone’s going stir crazy” she said with a groan, the significance of the sight all but lost on her naive adolescent sense of self.

When she came of age, she would come to understand.

To her, the moon was a conventional wonder of the world.

To her parents, it represented a grand promise.

In the past her mother had taken her father there on many an occasion when he felt like gravity had no mercy.

But now that they were together, in sickness, health, power, and responsibility, there was no limit to where they could go.

Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows Thoughts


Like with a lot of things, Marvel have the monkey’s paw attached to whatever it is the fans want…you wanted a happily married Peter? Well you’re getting an MJ who’s going to fight crime alongside him with his daughter. You’re getting The InWebbables (ok, bad pun)

It makes total sense to distinguish MJ from the MJ of the newspaper strip (who remains a normal girl caught up in a mad world and loves every bit of it)  and MC2 (where MJ was a concerned, but relatively stable parent who could be a rock and mentor to her husband and daughter), and the fact this MJ is willing to gut it out and be there for her family shows how tiresome and stale the Mephistoverse version has become, and why it’s time to put her and the Amazingly stupid devil dealing Spider-Man Child out to pasture.

Peter being a father works, Peter being an active superhero and a father has only been tried in a few short stories published way back in 2008 during the infancy of Brand New Day, and it was buried in a mere few pages of a large anthology magazine that didn’t last too long. Now the premise has larger legs and is poised to take bolder footsteps. It’s not afraid to be different or take a risk, and it should be commended for that, all manners of risk should be rewarded, succeed or fail, especially if it lines up with something the fans want to see.

Parker Industries with a family man Peter would also have been a must-buy for me, same with Superior. Things like this can be enhanced with a married Spider-Man, different kinds of stories can be told, stakes can be higher. That’s what I want out of RYV, for there to be not just a great family dynamic, but the tensions and perils that can come attached to a seemingly never-ending devotion to power and responsibility. The Spider-Man myth has always been about more than just one man in the world, he owes everything to the likes of characters like MJ forging him into the best he can possibly be, and with her at his side more frequently, he can only get better.